is a simple, warm and optimistic philosophy for wellbeing developed by Caroline Hounsell. She believes that everyone has the potential to lead a more positive fulfilled life.

Her foundations for positive growth are based on the pioneering work of person-centred therapist Carl Rogers. The three core conditions needed in any meaningful relationship (self/others) are:-

  • Empathy (to deeply identify and understand)

  • Congruence (genuineness or realness)

  • Unconditional Positive Regard (acceptance and caring) .

If these three core conditions are present, we have the potential to create something truly special.

"As no one else can know how we perceive, we are the best experts on ourselves."
Carl Rogers (1902-1987) humanist psychologist

“Like a flower that will grow to its full potential if the conditions are right, but which is constrained by its environment, so people will flourish and reach their potential if their environment is good enough.”

Here are five qualities of a person in their true/authentic self:

1. Open to experience: both positive and negative emotions are completely accepted. Their negative feelings are fully embraced and accepted, properly processed and given time to work through.

2. Existential living: fully in touch with their life experiences, avoiding any prejudgements and preconceptions. Being able to feel alive and be truly appreciative of the moment.

3. Trust feelings: feelings, instincts, and gut-reactions are viewed as important and are listened to. They know their choices are the right ones and they trust themselves to make the right decision.

4. Creativity: inspired thinking and excitement are key features in their life. They constantly seek new experiences, are able to adapt and are open to taking risks.

5. Fulfilled life: they are happily contented, fully embracing any new challenges or experiences in life.

To enjoy a loving fulfilled life, the healing journey starts within ourselves.

Read about our holistic approach



Greek philosophers thought the emotion of love was so complex that it required at least six variations to describe the range of human experience. Their descriptions ranged from Agape (love for everyone) to Eros (sexual passion) to Philautia (love of the self). 

Everything begins with love for ourselves, each other and the world around us. We spend most of our time trying to make other people happy but what about our own happiness? To flourish, it is important to nurture our mind, body and soul.

Through healthy positive love we can:

  • Learn to connect with ourselves

  • Have more empathy towards others

  • Empathically care and understand ourselves better

  • Understand our real purpose and passion in life

  • Find our joy in love of ourselves and life


Happiness is inside all of us waiting to be discovered.  We have the potential to reach happiness, regardless of external circumstances. To achieve a positive mind, it is important to accept and appreciate who we truly are without judgement or denial.

Our mind and emotional wellbeing constantly changes, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

Through a healthy positive mind we can:

  • Experience improved confidence in ourselves and our abilities

  • Have high self-esteem and self worth

  • Express and understand a whole range of emotions

  • Engage in more honest, meaningful and rewarding relationships

  • Be more connected to life and the world around us

  • Enjoy a more valued and productive work life


Having purpose, meaning and appreciation in our lives improves our mind, body and soul. It is important to consider our aspirations for our future self —what is it we truly desire to “become” over time—our vision will impact our mind, positively or negatively.

Life is very precious, we need to have the kind of life we want and deserve. Setting aside sometime each day to appreciate our lives more is just one way to help us appreciate the meaning and value it brings us.

Living a postiive full and balanced life we can:

  • Understand and appreciate where we are in our life

  • Connect more with communities, family and friends

  • Set ourselves goals for ourselves

  • A vision for how we want to change for better

  • Maintain a better healthier balance


“Caroline is inspirational and very creative. She takes leadership of her area of expertise in a way that is central to the design of the task at hand. Caroline is a fantastic team player and is often the conscience of the team and holds us accountable to our values. She is fun to work with, incredibly committed and self-motivated individual.”

Client, London

“I’ve had therapy with Caroline for over a year now and I feel I’ve overcome a lot since seeing her. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come.”

D.S, Brighton