Training + Leadership.

“Caroline is inspirational and very creative. She takes leadership of her area of expertise in a way that is central to the design of the task at hand. Caroline is a fantastic team player and is often the conscience of the team and holds us accountable to our values.”
Poppy Jaman OBE

“I've been seeing Caroline for over a year now and I feel I've overcome a lot since seeing her. I strongly believe that if it wasn't for seeing her I wouldn't have come as far as I have.”

D.S. Brighton

Caroline’s journey

“I have always been driven by the why. Why we experience emotions, why we feel the way we do, why we continue to be stuck sometimes.”

Supporting positive mental health and awareness since 1997. is owned and run by Caroline Hounsell. She is a MBACP (Accredited) Psychotherapist. She is one of the founding members of Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA England) and was their former Executive Product Director and Lead National Trainer. Working in Psychotherapy, Mental Health Wellbeing Consultancy, Leadership and Instructor Training.

Areas of Practice



As a member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP), Caroline runs a private Person Centred Psychotherapy practice in East Sussex.

Her therapeutic and training work is based on Person Centred Psychotherapy, but by adopting a holistic and integrative perspective with clients she draws on the approaches that are most relevant to each individual’s needs. As she says ‘I believe passionately in equality and diversity and I integrate these principles throughout my practice.’ Caroline Hounsell

Training + Leadership


Working with individuals and organisations such as Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness For Everyone) and the Race Equality and Cultural Awareness Programme (RECAP) include:

  • Prison officers

  • Primary Care Trust staff

  • Armed Forces

  • Paramedics

  • Council workers

  • Volunteer organisation staff

  • GPs

  • Social workers

  • Teachers



Consulting in Policy and risk assessment with corporate and government organisations.

“The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.”

– Soren Kierkegaard

“Love and work are to people, what water and sunshine are to plants.”

— Jonathan Haidt

Ready to talk?

Please let us know your details and we will connect with you.